I hail from a place...
Where adornation is unparalleled..beauty undefined...
Where the mystic fog fades..,through the yonder vales and the limitless hills...
Where the lofty mountains shine as blessedly... with the initial morning rays..
Where paradoxysm is possible...and lovers create memoirs forever to lament..
Where "memories" are engraved in every living soul...and will remain eternal for the ages to come..
Where the chill winds gust...brings a smile to your lips and a tear to your eyes...
Where the glass blades glow ethereally after each abated rain..
Where your heart grows fond...temporarily even diminishing your long scarred pain...
Where the cascading rivulets run deep into the lost woods and ravines...timeless as it may seem...
Where contentment cannot be saturated and everything else is but a boundless dream...
Such is my hometown...such is my feeling...
Such is the "Queen of Hills"...such is our "Darjeeling"...