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Sunday, 10 November 2013

"'Kolkata - My Story"

Those warm, sultry, summer days at that old city...
Beautiful fragrance of the drenched mud...
Those early morning dew drops on the glass blades...
Some beautiful memories those never fades...

It's been years we've departed...
Our paths...never to cross again...
Then why does my heart ache...
Still why does it "rain"..??..

The first summer raindrops dripping slowly across the face...
Those days of utter silence...
Lost forever...without a trace...

Those sultry days at Kolkata...
Those moments of utter bliss...
Aren't those the moments I lived,..loved...
And now amok I miss...

Those "hot tea" in earthern cups..
In the cold silent winter days...
Those innocent warm hugs...
Those walk besides Rabindra Sarobar lake..watching the sun slowly set...where it forever stays...

Did I do something wrong...
Or was it just not meant to be...
Then still why do I miss "You"...
Why do I still care and crave for "THEE"...???...

The very first meeting across the busy street...Jadavpur 8B I think so...
A blessing in disguise...
An angel...the first thing I know...

Those never ending meetings at the "Deshopriyo Park"...
Sulking in each others embrace...
Hearing some distant lark...

Wish just for a moment I could be there once again...
Holding your hand...close enough...never to let go of it ever AGAIN...

Kolkata oh! Kolkata...
Oh The City Of Joy...spread across a thousand mile...
Where is my happiness..
Oh! Where is my smile??.....

(This was written by me a long time back just for you...Hope it brings back certain part of our incomplete love story)